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您的隐私对十大正规赌博平台大全排行很重要. 隐私政策


十大正规赌博平台大全排行这个技术驱动的世界里, businesses rely on data—both big and small—to make evidence-based decisions and stay competitive in their market.

而收集和组织这些数据很重要, 如何分析它是什么有利于企业的底线. 利用, manipulating and applying data models to inform business decisions is the critical work of business analytics professionals. 从营销到财务, 业务分析师识别趋势, 风险和机会来计算ROI并帮助企业实现其目标.

因为业务分析师的关键作用, 这条职业道路提供了丰富的工作机会和高收入潜力. 但是你如何获得做出准确和战略性决策的技能呢? A master’s in business analytics provides the practical knowledge to lead businesses in making data-driven decisions, 同时也提高了你对薪水的期望.

根据 Payscale, the average salary for someone with a master’s degree in business analytics is $72,000. Whether you’re currently working in a data-driven role or you’re looking to change careers, 商业分析硕士学位对你有好处. 让十大正规赌博平台大全排行来看看是什么让一个人在这个职业中取得成功, 他们从事的典型工作和他们的平均工资.


选择硕士学位是一个重大的决定. While high salaries can be a strong incentive, they shouldn’t be the sole reason you choose a career. Make sure you choose a master’s program you’re truly passionate about and will lead to a long-term, 实现职业生涯. 想知道商业分析是否适合你? 问自己这些问题:

  • Are you the type of person who likes to do in-depth research before making a decision?
  • 你是否注重细节,但又不忽视大局?
  • 你喜欢用数据来解决现实世界的挑战吗?
  • Would you like to learn how to use tools to analyze, visualize and present information?
  • 你是否天生好奇,想要发现事情发生的“原因”?
  • 你喜欢解谜或谜语吗?
  • 你愿意用历史数据来预测未来吗?

If the majority of your answers are “yes,” you may be well suited for a career in business analytics.  


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商业分析硕士学位是一个非常灵活的学位. 你可以在任何行业工作, 运用你的数据知识来解决组织挑战, 寻找机会,实现商业目标.

十大正规赌博平台大全排行整理了一份你可以利用硕士学位从事的顶级工作清单. These roles are needed in a wide range of organizations—from Fortune 500s to startups. 看看哪些工作最适合你的职业兴趣.



你想发现增加企业利润和利润率的方法吗? Senior business analysts are able to take vast amounts of organizational data and understand how to apply it to meet business objectives. They’re responsible for using data to identify strengths and weaknesses and suggest improvements that will improve a company’s profitability and competitiveness in their market. 工作职责:

  • Gather and analyze information from diverse sources to identify trends, opportunities and risks
  • Work with other teams to identify gaps in data and plan to acquire the needed information
  • 通过访谈收集详细信息, 调查, 二次研究等前沿方法

平均工资: $84,081 (Payscale)


你想用数据来指导商业策略吗? Business insight and analytics managers are responsible for heading a team of analysts and ensuring the accuracy of their findings. They also identify market trends and forecast how their company should evolve based on their findings. 工作职责:

  • 根据基准和业务目标跟踪、综合和评估绩效
  • Create reports that can be shared with leadership to influence business strategies
  • Develop systems and frameworks for acquiring, validating and applying data to business challenges

平均工资: $96,005 (Payscale)


你是否擅长将数据转化为可操作的见解? A manager of financial planning and analysis is responsible for using data to forecast a business’ performance. 它们识别数据异常, trends and variables to provide insight into improvements that will benefit a company financially. 工作职责:

  • 分析短期现金流量以确定长期预测
  • Provide financial projections and proactively formulate solutions to improve performance
  • 建立财务数据的系统和内部控制

平均工资: $99,545 (Payscale)


你喜欢钻研详细的财务数据吗? 高级财务分析师必须是分析会计信息的专家, 确定经济和金融风险, 并为他们的团队发现的挑战制定解决方案. 工作职责:

  • 通过财务分析支持公司项目和目标
  • 制定全面的年度预算和月度财务预测
  • Develop schedules for financial analysis to compare forecasts with actuals and provide rationale for any variances

平均工资: $79,313 (Payscale)


你被股票市场的波动迷住了吗? Quantitative analysts develop strategies to help companies maximize their investments. They create data models to help improve trading processes and strategies to increase business profits. 工作职责:

  • 研究和分析市场数据,并进行风险分析
  • Design experiments to collect information and test new software programs and data models
  • 管理投资组合并推荐股票交易以提高业绩

平均工资: $83,477 (Payscale)


你喜欢有挑战性的问题吗? Analytics consultants develop and implement data-driven solutions for their organization or clients. They are responsible for mining data and using that information to meet an organization's needs. 工作职责:

  • 建议系统的改变以改进组织数据及其使用方式
  • 审核数据并实施新流程以确保产出的质量
  • Synthesize information into reports and benchmarks that can be used to evaluate future performance

平均工资: $80,588 (Payscale)


你想推动你的业务走向市场吗? Senior marketing analysts develop and execute strategies for sales and advertising to position companies within their market. They determine how companies can increase ROI on marketing spend to increase revenue, 提高品牌知名度,拓展新客户. 工作职责:

  • 收集和分析数据以支持市场活动
  • 研究消费者行为和趋势,预测活动效果
  • Work with internal teams to address consumer needs and optimize customer service strategy

平均工资: $73,109 (Payscale)


并非所有的商业分析程序都是一样的. 如果你认为商业分析是适合你的职业道路, 下一步是找到合适的硕士项目. For working professionals looking to advance their career without taking time out for a master’s program, 一个在线, 应用硕士课程是实现这两个目标的好方法. Not only will you gain new skills, you’ll be able to apply them to your everyday job. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 offers a cutting-edge program in business analytics that will give you the tools to manipulate data, 识别趋势并解决现实世界的业务挑战. You’ll also gain communication and presentation skills to position yourself as a leader in your organization. 探索 十大正规赌博平台大全排行.S. 在商业分析计划 看看它如何帮助你实现你的职业目标.

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